Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for the ‘Climate Change’ Category

For Earth Day 2011

Apr-22-2011 By Barbara Zak

We must do all we can to save and protect our fragile planet.  We are lucky to inhabit such a beautiful place to call our home!

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Earthjustice’s Save Our Skins Campaign

Mar-29-2011 By Barbara Zak

What if endangered species, such as Wolf, Salmon and Polar Bear, could Save Our Skins by talking?

Well, Earthjustice’s new Save Our Skins campaign, was designed to be more than just a petition, to sign and send to Congress.  Instead, Salmon, Polar Bears and Wolves, are given a voice to speak out, via social media, combining wit with real facts and emotion, to state their case.

Save Our Skins, has a goal, to send 37,000 pre-written letters telling Congress, that we want these majestic animals, to be around long enough for our children and grandchildren to see.  They need YOU  to help them reach their goal! The tongue-in-cheek interview (below), is part of Earthjustice’s pledge, to save the threatened Endangered Species Act.

Save Our Skins: Interview with Wolf, Salmon, and Polar Bear

If you haven’t been on Facebook or Twitter lately, you may not have met the newest members of the social media circle.  These users have scales, paws, and fur. They are Save Our Skins, Wolf, Salmon, and Polar Bear, and they’ve been tweeting away, to make sure their protections aren’t stripped away, by the latest round of DC politics. With help from their friends at Earthjustice, they started a new awareness campaign called Save Our Skins.

Here’s an adorable recent interview with Save Our Skins, three social media-savvy critters, Wolf, Salmon and Polar Bear.

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When Green Turns Black

Jan-22-2011 By Barbara Zak
Columbia River 07788
Image via Wikipedia

Both Oregon and Washington, have a reputation, of being and promoting the “green lifestyle.” Portland, Oregon, takes pride in their mass transit program, and continually proves, that large cities, can reduce their carbon footprints. That all changed recently, and the green future, has taken a step back into the past.  It now appears, black as coal.

Cowlitz County,Washington, across the the Columbia River from, Portland,Oregon, has approved construction, of a coal export terminal. The facility, will export millions of tons, of U.S. coal to Asia, well in particular, China, yearly. Read the rest of this entry »