Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Wise Investing in Natural Resources

Oct-8-2012 By Barbara Zak

Guest Post by Amanda Green

In today’s world, the investment arena has changed drastically compared to what it was just a few years ago. While there are still plenty of people focusing on putting their money into traditional stocks and bonds, many other investors are looking for legitimate alternatives to put their money into. As some natural resources on the planet are becoming more scarce, investors are realizing the opportunity in front of them. Investing in natural resources is an endeavor unlike any other, and it has vast potential for everyone involved.

English: Natural Resources GIS

English: Natural Resources GIS (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Why Invest in Natural Resources

Investing in natural resources is a strategy that makes a lot of sense from a financial standpoint. When you put money into something that has a limited quantity, you know that the value of your investment will eventually increase. Many investors are putting money into precious metals like gold and silver because of the uncertainty in the fiat currency markets now. As governments continue to print paper money, the value of this currency continues to deflate. By putting money into gold, silver, and other precious metals, investors are hedging their bets.

In addition to investing in precious metals, many investors are also putting money into other natural resources like oil and natural gas. As the population on the planet increases, more people are going to be in need of these resources. This will lead the price to increase over time.

Ways to Invest

For those who are interested in investing in natural resources, there are a lot of different ways to do it. On Reed Cagle’s blog, he discusses a lot of different strategies that can be used by investors to profit from natural resources. For example, you could buy stocks of mining companies or of companies who drill for oil.

In addition to buying stocks of these companies, you could also trade futures contracts on them. When you trade futures contracts, you actually speculate on the prices of commodities themselves. Another option is to simply buy the commodities yourself. For example, you could buy gold or silver bullion and keep it.

Regardless of what strategy you employ, investing in natural resources carries with it a lot of promise. You are investing in tangible assets in limited quantities. This is quite different from putting money into theoretical assets like stocks or bonds. Just make sure that you do your homework before choosing which natural resources to invest in.

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