Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Climate Change Around North America- Part 2

Aug-11-2011 By Barbara Zak

Here is part 3 and 4, as chronicled in a 2008 exploration, through the Northwest Passage, down the western coast of North America, through the Panama Canal, and back to Norway.

There is no disputing that, there is strange weather phenomena occurring in diverse places, around the globe.   Here, in North America as many as eighteen states, have been experiencing, tripple digit record breaking heat, for the last 4-6 weeks.  Here in the Northwest, we didn’t have a Spring, and didn’t even reach 70 degrees, until early June.  We can count on one hand, the days that have come close to, or just above 80 degrees.  Perhaps, a trip to Washington, is needed for some of you to spell relief!

Part 3

Part 4

Here’s hoping you enjoyed this series, and hoping your weather starts to cooperate with whatever is needed in your area.

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