Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

What’s Up?

Oct-24-2009 By Barbara Zak

For the last week or two, some of you may have been wondering if I fell off the planet!  :).  Not the case.  I just wanted to give you a quick update on what’s up around here.

Something went terribly wrong with my last theme.  It was totally messed up , and not displaying nicely at all, on Explorer.  I was also having some internal issues, while posting inside the blog.  The theme was totally replaced once, but IE still didn’t like it, no matter what was tried.

So, it was time to seek out a new theme, to see if that would correct the problems.  VOILA..  It did!  Now, I have my own new customized look.  Let me know what you think.

Special Thanks, goes to Theresa Cahill, of Whole-Hog-Blogs, for the extensive time and effort, she put into making the necessary changes!

See where the cutest ladybugs live!

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