Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Inspiration of Heart and Soul!

Mar-20-2009 By Barbara Zak

The Heart and Soul Award

The Heart and Soul Award is given to those who have touched and/or inspired you through their blog. I was amazed and humbled to find that Sadie over at Sadie’s Skinny passed this award over to me.  She writes a great health blog about her weight  loss journey, health tips and advice on dieting and exercise.  If I could pass this back to her, I surely would!

The rules for the award are to pass this on to three blogs that have touched or inspired me, so here are my three:

Chris over at Living Well Naturally does a wonderful job on helping us know how to live and eat well.  She gives great tips and advice on avoiding toxic chemicals, eating whole foods, supplements, and how to care for our home and garden.  She even has a wonderful line of Mineral make-up that is affordable.  If you haven’t checked out this site, please do.  You can tell she loves what she is doing!

Chatbug Karen, is another amazingly talented woman.  She calls herself a little fish in the big pond.  I’m sure glad I caught her in that pond!  She has an Etsy store, where she has handmade totebags and aprons and just beautiful things.  She also shares her travels, and just fun things on all of her blogs…she has several!

Cady, at NotSoNewlywed, has stolen my devotion and attention.  I have never seen a more dedicated and determined couple as she and her husband Joe are, to become parents.  They are sharing their journey with us, and it is very exciting.  By the end of this month, they will know if they positively are going to be parents.  My heart and prayers are with them.  Please stop in and visit.

I hope all of you will visit these blogs, and I hope that you’re as inspired by them as I am!

If the three recipients of this award would like to pass it along, please visit the Heart and Soul Award website and list the 3 blog addresses that you are nominating. Then download the picture of the award and write a post about it, linking to me, and your 3 nominees, and why they have touched or inspired you.

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