Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Goal – Create The Life You Want

Mar-22-2008 By Barbara Zak

It’s true – you can have, do and be anything you want in life.  But, we’ve been conditioned to think otherwise. So, how do we get it?

First of all, you need to know what you want and really get in touch with it.  Set aside some quiet time to meditate and take an inward journey.  Like the Bible says get to “know thyself.” It is a learning process to train your mind to get in the proper mindset, visions and positivities to create the life you want.  You need to know how to CREATE desired results.

The next step is to just “BE”.  To “BE” is simply the self-image that you hold of yourself in the corners of your mind.  You’ll know you have achieved your state of being, when it is no longer a question.  You ARE whatever you’ve set out to become.  Real change happens from the inside out.  The Law of Attraction, teaches us that like attracts like. Whatever your thoughts are, you attract those thoughts to your life. So, there is no room in your thoughts for negativity.  You must erase your “stinkin’ thinkin'” ( the stuff you were raised with that tells you that you can’t have what you truly want).  Replace it with your new self-image of what and who you are.  The hard part is, you must ACCEPT yourself in your new role.  It is a choice and a decision, but just do it.  You’ll be glad you did.

The next step is to THINK.  Is your life all that you want it to be?  If it is not, it is because of your thoughts.  Your thoughts control your life.  They are responsible for both the good and bad things that happen to you.  Don’t allow yourself to be a victim of your past. Don’t allow thoughts of lack, scarcity, or negativity to enter your mind.   Instead, take charge of your life, by taking control of your thoughts.  Create the life of your dreams.  Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow doesn’t exist yet- so, NOW is your point of EMPOWERMENT.

Watch what you say.  You know the old saying, “If you don’t have anything good or kind to say, say nothing at all.”  So, speak only good, kind, prosperous, and positive words in all situations.

Then play name it and claim it.  Act as if and truly BELIEVE you are already living your perfect life as you visualized and designed it.  Surround yourself with people you admire and look up to.  This process does take time and commitment to yourself.  Always tell yourself that you are worth whatever it takes.  Be consciously aware of the steps to creating change, and live everyday in the NOW.

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