Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

A New Year and a New YOU!

Jan-10-2013 By Barbara Zak

Let’s face it, no matter what your New Year’s resolution is or was, the bottom line is we have to take better care of ourselves, on a daily basis.  That includes taking time for ourselves by exercising, eating right and taking care of our skin.

English: A complete diagram of the human skin.

English: A complete diagram of the human skin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Caring about yourself and caring about the earth, may seem like the furthest thing from your mind when doing your daily beauty regimen.  However, there actually is a close connection.

Our skin should always be a pampered priority, as it is the largest organ in our body. Therefore, always look for the very best in natural and organic skin care  products, so that you can pamper your skin with truly beneficial ingredients.  It is important to look for natural and paraben free cosmetics that offer the best solution for your skincare dilemma.  This time of year is when lotions and keeping our skin moist and nourished are necessary steps to protect us from wind and chaffing.

At EnviroProductsWorld, you can be assured that you have the best organic options for everything from hair products, cosmetics and deodorants, to green cleaning products, and natural pet products.  In fact, many of their products are USDA Certified Organic, meaning that the products are certified by the government (US) as 95% food grade organic, with zero chemicals or synthetics used in the manufacturing process.  Stop by and check out their January sale in effect until 1-27-2013.  You can get free shipping on orders of $49 or more, on names and products you may already know and trust.

In getting back to a New Year and a new YOU, keep in mind that there are harsh additives and preservatives in the make up and most skincare products found in department stores that you may frequent. Not only are these additives and preservatives bad for the world we live in, but they can be harmful to your body and skin, as well.  If your current skincare products are bad things to wash down the drain –  along with your hard earned money, why on earth would you want to put them on your face?  You can stop the harm and change all of that, by using a selection of organic natural skincare products.  You’ll never again have to worry about the bad effects on your skin or your impact on the environment, plus you’ll save money while doing both.


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Turning Your Foods Green For the New Year!

Dec-29-2012 By Barbara Zak

Guest Post by Amanda Green

One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is “I am going to eat better.” This typically refers to starting and, hopefully, maintaining a healthy diet. It can even go as far as to mean eating only organic foods. Of course this is easier said than done. The process of successfully overhauling your diet is more complicated than you might think. Here are some tips to help you out.

1. Plan for food costing more than it use to. Organic food is, across the board, more expensive than its processed counterparts. This can be problematic if you’re used to living with a really tight food budget. Of course, as someone who is use to budgeting you’ve probably already done the high interest savings accounts comparison. Why not use some of your compounded interest to help you pay for your first few rounds of groceries?


Health (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)

2. If you are serious about your goal, you might think about using a credit card (make sure to do your research so that you can find the best credit card rates and perks) to fund your initial ventures into healthier eating. Buying the tools you need to cook your ingredients properly can make the transition even more fun!

3. Go slowly. Trying to overhaul all of your eating habits at once is too much of a shock for your system. You might feel good for a couple of days but after that first week, you’ll be a lot more likely to fall off of your organic and nutritious wagon. By going slowly and changing out processed foods for organic and healthier options one or two at a time you’ll allow your body to get used to your new diet and you won’t have to worry that you’ve spent a bunch of money on food you don’t actually like to eat.

4. Switch up your eating habits by taste. For example if you typically reach for a bag of Skittles when your energy starts to wane, sub in a peach instead. The fruit is better for you and will raise your blood sugar and energy level in a healthy way (that won’t lead to a crash). If you’re craving pasta, why not make your own with whole wheat flour? From there you can make the sauce from scratch—this way you know that you’re getting healthy ingredients but you’re still satisfying the craving you’re having.

It is important to remind yourself, particularly when the cost of eating well starts to bum you out, that the money you’re spending now might seem like a lot, but it is much lower than the cost of the doctor bills and potential hospital stays you’d be in for if you kept up the unhealthy eating habits you’ve been use to using.

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The Gratitude Book Project 2013

Dec-19-2012 By Barbara Zak

UPDATE: Yesterday, was our launch day on Amazon.com for this book, and here are the results in a 24 hour period.
“Co-author in THE GRATITUDE BOOK PROJECT:CELEBRATING 365 DAYS OF GRATITUDE, a #1 “Hot New Release” on Amazon.com.”

Blessings of an Attitude of Gratitude

Spread an attitude of gratitude this Holiday Season. THE GRATITUDE BOOK PROJECT 2013 Edition, is here in time for holiday gift-giving! (And, guess what… I’m in it!)

When I was first invited to participate in The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude 2013 Edition, I knew it was something I had to do. 

It’s so easy to get caught up in everyday life.  Sometimes, even just the little things are easily taken for granted. This book project, was the perfect way to let those I love and care about, know what they mean to me. It was a special way for me to show my appreciation. What we say, can often be forgotten in an instant, but the words we write down on paper can live on forever!

You can also help us make this book an Amazon.com best seller

If there is someone on your list who is hard to buy for, or you just don’t know what to get for them, this book is your answer.  The Gratitude Book Project 2013 Edition, is the perfect gift.  Each entry is like a “thought of the day” about gratitude. It is a collaborative book sold on Amazon.com and featuring over 300 authors answering the question “What are you grateful for?” in 200 words or less.

The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude 2013 Edition,is a perfect gift.  You can still get it in time for the Holiday at Amazon.com.  You will find it to be an inspirational and “timely” book.  Given the tragedy in Newtown, CT. last Friday, this book will have just the right passage to help lift spirits. It is that inspirational pick-me-up to help us all to be grateful for the here and NOW, while helping us to remember to live in the moment!

In keeping with the spirit of the project, proceeds from national book sales at Amazon.com will be split among these three charitable and deserving organizations:
• ASPCA for the prevention of animal abuse
• Feed America
• Women for Women International
Remember the more Amazon.com buyers we have, the more these organizations will benefit! Get your copy today!