Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

JellyFish- Windpower!

Jan-26-2009 By Barbara Zak

Did you know it only takes 40 kwh to light your home? What if you could do it with a motor that is as simple as that of a hairdryer?

A 42 year old Seattle man, Chad Maglaque, is very hopeful that he will win Google’s Good Idea Contest.  The winner will be announced tomorrow.  He hopes to bring wind power to every home. With a target price of around $400.00, it will be affordable. He calls it a Jelly Fish…well you decide!

City of Seattle
Image via Wikipedia

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Question- To Vaccinate Or Not?

Nov-29-2008 By Barbara Zak

With the odds of autism being 1:150 here in the US, it cannot compare to the now epidemic proportions of the disorder currently found in the UK.  The rate of autism in the UK is now 1:88 or I in every 54 boys. The belief that autism is solely genetic is unverifiable.  Environmental factors must be considered because, after all, there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic.

Recently,I did an update on autism in the news. The topic of vaccinating as a cause was explored. To anyone who has a child with autism, you may never fully convince them that childhood vaccines had nothing to do with their child’s autism. On the contrary,

Autism fears lead some parents to not immunize children

The CDC (Center For Disease Control and Prevention) stands by their claim that scientist say there is substantial evidence that there is no link. Yet, around the country, there is debate over what role, if any, vaccinations play in autism, and many parents are deciding against immunizations. Most feel that they would rather risk their child getting measles, chicken pox or the flu, than autism.

David Kirby writes in The Huffington Post regarding a new study about “mitochondrial autism” that it is real, and that vaccine triggers cannot be ruled out. This article is a must read for the latest information on this pivotal topic.

Another must read to bring you up to date on this issue is Ginger Taylor’s “Adventures in Autism”. While at Ginger’s blog you may also want to consider reading about how the FDA hid the names of contaminated infant formula products from the public, in the most recent case of melamine contamination.

Special thanks to Google news for these excellent sources of current information on Autism in the news.

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