Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Are You Happy With Your Blog?

Dec-21-2008 By Barbara Zak

I first started blogging in March of this year. I’ll admit I’m not very techie, but at that time I was determined that this was going to be my retirement career.  All I knew is I wanted to write. The rest I hoped would just take care of itself.  I had written some good posts and gotten some favorable response, but nothing that knocked my socks off.  I knew there had to be a better way.

At Blog Catalog, I noticed Forced Green.  I fell in love with that site and longed for something that beautiful. There also was a widget on that site about Whole-Hog-Blogs.  I just had to know what that was.  I was amazed at what they had to offer, and for a reasonable price. They even offer help and training forever, or until you feel confident to do some of the behind the scene things on your own.

Theresa Cahill and Jeff Greer employ the best ways to social media market your website or blog.  Unlike the old ways of cold calling, direct mail, or even randomly harassing people…all the proven things that don’t work.  I can assure you they have a system that WORKS!  Whole-hog-blogs couples online SEO marketing, with the proper amount of social marketing and networking, with a little ezine marketing thrown in.  It is a magical combination that pulls customers to you. Everytime I check my stats, I’m amazed at where I started and how far I’ve come in not even 6 months!  They helped me choose a theme, that totally is me and helps me express who I am to my audience.

Between the two of them Theresa and Jeff have 10 plus years of experience online.  So,start the New Year off right,  with the easiest most effective ways to market yourself and your blog or business online.

Whole Hog Blogs –  The system that brings unstopable traffic right to your door!

OIM Consulting- Market For Me offers brick and mortar business’s who want to enhance there online presence, to explore SEO and web 2.0 marketing techniques.

MY Wizard Ads – The place to go to promote your programs, products and services.

If your blog isn’t all you want it to be, then I’m sure this is the answer you are looking for. It’s worked for me. Trust me ..It will WORK for you.  Give it a try …You’ll be glad you did!

Adgitize your web site.