Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for July, 2015

Every day people drop reusable bags from their purchases into the trash – or, worse, on the ground or in the water – without ever thinking about the contribution they’re making to the worldwide waste epidemic. Plastic bags, especially, have become a huge environmental problem since they were first introduced on a wide scale several decades ago.

Those sacks you use to tote your groceries home from the store spend minutes in your kitchen before being thrown away and forgotten – but they spend up to a thousand years in landfills or floating around in waterways and oceans. As widespread use of these receptacles has continued over the years, an overwhelming amount of essentially non-biodegradable waste has accumulated, harming the environment in numerous ways. If the use of these bags isn’t slowed, if not eliminated, the negative environmental impact may become overwhelming.

The good news is that businesses can benefit in big ways from making the transition to reusable bags. Making this shift may garner initial resistance from some consumers who are set in their ways, but the tide is turning when it comes to environmental awareness. Companies that are proactive about eliminating waste are likely to develop more positive brand associations in the minds of eco-conscious customers. Reusable bags can increase a brand’s visibility while conveying a socially responsible message that consumers and businesses are working together for the common good.

Read on to the infographic below to learn more about the benefits of transitioning away from disposable bags.

Infographic: Harness the Power of Brand Recognition
Click here for the full-sized image.

Proper handling of waste packaging material can be more costly than most businesses realize. When a company generates large amounts of cardboard and plastic waste during the course of its operations, it soon becomes apparent that merely wadding it up and stuffing it into a dustbin will not do the job.

== Summary == Universal recycling symbol outli...
Image via Wikipedia

QCR Recycling Equipment is one of several companies offering specially designed waste balers that compact unwanted packaging material into a more manageable size. Typically, a baling machine can reduce the bulk of waste by up to 90 percent, while a compactor can reduce it by up to 75 percent.

Businessesvary in size, and it is important to select a waste baler or compacter of the right size. A too-small baler will become overused very quickly, while one that is too large is a waste of space and money.

Speaking of money, many smaller companies, especially those just starting up, may not be in a position to invest in recycling machinery. In this case, it is possible to rent or lease a baler or compactor for as little as ?12 per week, a very affordable amount. Many companies also offer affordable financing plans for those businesses interesting in purchasing their own equipment.

Ultimately, recycling waste properly is beneficial for the environment. A company dedicated to protecting the environment benefits from doing good on all levels.

The Secret Life of Private Railways

Jul-7-2015 By Barbara Zak

Although seemingly hidden away from the eyes of the public, there are thousands of private railways in the U.S. Most of these private lines are industrial in nature. Some of the major groups with private rail lines include agriculture, chemical, mining, power production, and the steel industry.

They take no passengers and the public has no reason to ever see them. Additionally, even if someone does see such a !ine, in many cases, there is no reason it should be recognized as anything private. Most Americans simply assume rail lines are public and there is very little written about the topic of private rail lines. Thus, private lines often go unnoticed.

In spite of the fact that private rails are typically quite short, usually just a few miles, many private lines have more than one locomotove in use. Although there are still lines that use cables, winches and pulleys to move their cars, gravity operations have largely fallen out of use. Most companies need more direct control over their equipment than this method provides. Thus, most modern locomotives are ones with an internal power source, often a diesel engine.

Believe it or not, just like a car battery can die and need a jump start, so can the battery of a locomotive. With a locomotive, no, it is not practicable to pull another engine up to it and use jumper cables to connect them, then give new life to the dead battery via a still live engine. So what does happen when some enormous locomotive engine dies? One answer is that a railroad locomotive starter can be brought in. This is a portable power supply to get the battery jump started again.

Time is money and private rail lines consist of very expensive equipment. Businesses simply cannot afford to let their private rails be idle for long periods. Thus, this is no time to make a phone call and wait for someone to show up. This is a time to have the power on hand that the company needs. It is not very different from using a lithium twin pack to do the same thing for a dead plane engine, a practice that seems to be more widely known.

The next time you see track in an odd place, remember that this might be a private line. They very often hide in plain sight.