Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Archive for January, 2010

Please Help- Americans Need JOBS!

Jan-30-2010 By Barbara Zak
United States President Barack Obama signs int...
Image via Wikipedia

What a week it has been. We (my husband and I), just finished what turned out to be one of the longest re-fi’s in history.  If you recall last February, Read the rest of this entry »

Come Connect With Me In THERE!

Jan-28-2010 By Barbara Zak

This is one of the newest videos of what it is like in THERE!  So, what are you waiting for, sign-up and Join me in THERE!

My avatar name is barbararae.  When you are registered, then please add me as a friend. Then you can go to my group page called goalforthegreen, directly and paste this link into the OPEN browser.


We will have meetings and discuss topics found on this blog, and have great fun interacting in the virtual world in THERE! Sign-up is Free! You can also add VOICE.

I’ll see you in THERE!

Oh, and you can also sign-up on my Connect page here. Just click the THERE button!

Still want more info in THERE? Go here!

Get something cute as a bug for your Valentine at Barbara’s Ladybug!

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Relax With Barbara On Wednesday 60

Jan-27-2010 By Barbara Zak

Relax, take a deep breath and enjoy the soothing music, and beautiful scenes of Nature captured by Thundralight!  I found this to be very calming and refreshing..kinda like a spiritual renewal,or cleansing effect!  Enjoy 🙂

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