Goal For The Green

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For small business owners, every decision is an important one. For responsible small business owners, this means making responsible, environmentally-friendly choices and growing the business in sustainable, sound ways. However, it can be difficult for small business owners to focus on the environment when they’re so busy worrying about their bottom line. After all, entrepreneurship can be very risky, and small experts estimate that half of all small businesses will fail within the first year. Fortunately, there are small, easy, and affordable ways to be more ecologically minded that won’t be bad for business at all. Here are a few tips to help get you started.

Reduce Waste

First of all, take a look at your business and see if you’re not creating unnecessary waste. A lot of paper waste can be eliminated by switching to email or other online communication. Use social media to reach your audience instead of flyers and other paper material. If you’re in the food industry, look at steps you can take to be more efficient, since food waste is one of the most destructive and unnecessary things you have to deal with.

Start Recycling

This is probably the easiest step you can take since most towns, counties, and municipalities already offer some recycling services, both for businesses and for individuals. Find out what recycling programs are offered in your area and do your best to take advantage of them. Separate your paper waste from cans, plastic, and other materials and recycle them at the appropriate facilities.

Use Green Technology

You don’t need to go it alone when it comes to becoming more environmentally friendly. There is now a whole industry devoted to helping people make more ecologically sound choices, and there is a great deal of new technology available to make it easy to be green. For example, Donaldson filtration systems, sold by a reputable company like Green Leaf Filters, can cut down on environmental waste and destruction. Do some research and find out about new technology that can help your small business do better.

Shop Locally

For your small business needs, look around your neighborhood before turning overseas. A lot of environmental destruction is caused by transporting goods across long distances. You can fight that pollution by shopping locally for your business whenever possible. As a bonus, you’ll be helping your local economy succeed!


Hire a Company to Clean Your Factory

Nov-10-2015 By Barbara Zak

There are many businesses that operate in enormous buildings. They have large pieces of equipment and many employees that require them to work in areas that are much larger than the typical workplace. Because these spaces are so big, they can be very difficult to clean. A regular cleaning company that specializes in cleaning office spaces will not be able to handle a job in an area that big. Therefore, you will need to find a company that has the equipment necessary to clean a facility the size of the one you use. Here is how to hire a company to clean your factory.

1. Look at their past work

The first thing you need to do is examine the other factories and industrial facilities they have cleaned in the past. See if any of these places are similar in size to the area you need to have cleaned. If the company clearly has never cleaned a building the size of yours before, move on and keep looking. It might take a while to find suitable cleaners if your building is big enough. Just remember that there is no substitute for experience when you are taking about cleaning large facilities. A cleaning company really needs to know what they are doing in order to do a good job in a large space.

2. Talk to past clients

This is always a good idea. It never hurts to hear what some of the cleaning company’s past clients have to say about the service they received from the cleaning company. Did they show up on time? Were all of the necessary safety precautions taken before they started to work? Did they complete their job quickly and efficiently? Was anything damaged in your facility while the cleaning company was working? For outstanding industrial cleaning services, you can learn more by going to http://midcitycleaning.com/industrial-manufacturing-government-distribution-centers/.

3. Get a quote

Paying a super high price to have your facility cleaned simply does not make any sense. There are too many companies out there that can clean large buildings. With all of that competition, you should have the companies begging to work with you. You will only have yourself to blame if you hire a company that overcharges their customers. Get in touch with various companies that are within your area. Have them stop by your facility to take measurements. Once they understand what they will be dealing with, they can give their quote.

5 Benefits of a Power Socket Meter

Sep-19-2015 By Barbara Zak

There are a multitude of ways you can save money on your energy costs. An invaluable yet useful tool is that of the power socket meter. These little gadgets plug directly onto a power socket and will record every kilowatt-hour that travels through it. When determining where you use up the most electricity in the home, these devices may be worth their weight in gold.


Many power socket meters you can buy allow you to program your cost per kilowatt-hour into the unit. This will then give you an accurate reading on how much any device plugged into it is costing you to operate. You may be shocked when you see the results from computer systems and entertainment centers.

Real-Time Data

Power meters give you information in real-time. There is little guesswork when determining what appliances and electronics are costing you the most money to keep running. The LCD displays provide a tally of power that is being consumed every second. This can provide you with information about each device allowing you to build immediate strategies for reducing the usage of appliances.


The level of accuracy may vary with different manufacturers. However, most of these units can give excellent results with a 0.2 percent variable. Information this precise can give you insight into how much power you’re actually using in your house at any given time of day.


More elaborate units are capable of forecasting electricity costs by averaging how much load is experienced on the line per day. When trying to reduce your monthly budget, information such as this can help you cut spending on power by reducing the dependence of items. For example, you may find that cutting just 30 minutes of TV time every day could make a profound impact on your annual spending.

Easy to Use

Most power meters are easy to use and can plug directly onto virtually any power socket. There is no need to rewire anything or have extensive knowledge of electricity. Although some units have features such as line frequencies and voltage regulation, the primary function of the meter is straight forward data.

Saving money on energy costs starts by having the most efficient provider. If you’re in an area supported by multiple vendors, it may be worth your time to gather additional information. Switching to a cost-effective provider in combination with using the data obtained by the power socket meter, you can potentially cut an incredible amount of money off of your monthly utility budget.