Goal For The Green

Para-education and green living information

Is Your Mindset On Your Resolutions?

Jan-11-2009 By Barbara Zak

How are you doing with those resolutions you made almost two weeks ago?  Don’t feel bad if you’ve already botched your resolved efforts.  Many people give up, because they do not have the proper mindset.  It is key to achieving your goals and desired results.

I’m sure you know, you can have do or be anything you want in life.  But, do you believe it? We’ve been conditioned to think we can’t achieve or obtain the life we want.  So, we are left to wonder how do we get there?

The last resolution that I made and kept, was 27 years ago , when I quit smoking. I ate lemon heads when I wanted a cigarette.  It worked!  It was a lot better than that gum they had out then.  How is chewing something that tasted like you licked the ashtray going to make you quit smoking?  No Thank-You!

First of all,you need to know what it is that you really want.  Then get in touch with it.  Set aside some quiet time to meditate and take an inward journey.  Like the Bible says get to “know thyself.”  It is a learning process as well as a commitment, to train your mind to get in the proper mindset.  A proper mindset is complete with vivid visions and positive actions necessary to help you create the life  and desired results you want.

The Law of Attraction teaches us that like attracts like.  Whatever your thoughts are, you attract those thoughts into your life.  But, did you know your thoughts create your life? So, with that thought in mind, there is no room for negativity.

Resolutions, no…I don’t do that.  What I do is set goals, both long and short term goals. I put them in writing, and put them on a message board where I am sure to see them at least three times a day.  It gives me a sense of empowerment, when I can cross something off the list as an accomplishment.

President Elect Barack Obama
Image by radiospike photography via Flickr

Which brings me to a great example of accomplishment.  Did you ever ask yourself how President elect Barack  Obama, executed the most effective campaign ever created to win the election?  Well, obviously, he has the proper mindset, to have achieved the winning results.  I believe he used something like the five P’s, which are proper preparation prevents poor performance.  He properly prepared for the goal he set out to  achieve.  The outcome, the most brilliant campaign ever, lacking any poor performance.

Whatever, your choice is, resolutions or goal setting, understand that the process takes time and commitment to yourself.  Always tell yourself that you are worth whatever it takes, to get to where you want to be.  Be consciously aware of the steps necessary to creating change.  It is a process.  Take one day and one challenge at a time, and live everyday in the NOW.

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